Rural Futures

Re-thinking rural settlements for a post covid wold. The project envisions a settlement for a work from home populace, wanting to live closer to nature and retain its knowledge base.

Settlement Design Developnment Strategy
Settlement First Phase Design Features
A key highlight of the project is allocation of green spaces from community garden, Accessible green roofs to pocket gardens. 
Direct Connection with the pedestrian friendly streets informed program development and engagement.
Courtyard spaces are sculpted to provide a moment of respite and solitude.
Vehicular access and parking lots are intentionally tucked in the back from the pedestrian friendly town center experience.
1. Mixed Use Commercial 
The mixed commercial program is a part of utilitarian aspect of the development. It facilitates the exchange of commerce and also integrates with space for cultural expressions.
The development features a clear segregation 
of pedestrian and vehicular circulation, curating a seamless experience, that connects with the pocket gardens, courtyard, indoor garden, and a street level art exhibition. 
Design Features

Design Elements Axonometric Diagram

Architectural Development Bird's Eye View 

North Elevation

Typical Section through the atrium

2. Open Office 
The mixed use offices program has an immediate adjacency with the town square, making it a 
pivotal point of experience. The co-working office space is envisioned to host a central indoor 
Garden space for the occupants.
Design Features

Design Elements Axonometric Diagram

Architectural Development Bird's Eye View 

West Elevation

Typical Section through the atrium

3. Residential +  Community Garden
The mixed residential program is the heart of 
the proposal opening up to the central community garden in the east, immediate adjacency to the town square in the west.
The structure provides a space to unwind, and connect under the loggias. A prominent feature in its design is the Bio-facilitating Facade where the local biodiversity can build their nests and integrate with the human settlement.
Design Features

Architectural Development Bird's Eye View 

Design Elements Axonometric Diagram

East Elevation

Typical transverse Section.

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