Drawdown 2040

Project Drawdown 2040 is envisioning a new carbon based economy where carbon is the new currency. It is a multifaceted attempt at de-carbonizing on one hand and building an inclusive community on the other. The project aims at innovating architectural spaces to create an interwoven experience that is educational as well as performative. One of the guiding principles was the idea of innovating industry and a sustainable urbanization as is eloquently described in SDG's

Entanglement Drawing
The drawing produced here is an exercise in visualizing the stages involved in whole process of Bio-energy production.  It is used to study various sources of inputs and the stages at which they are generally used as an input to the process.
Isometric Section
Isometric at Entrance 
The entrance foyer features a plaza that opens up to the city and its inhabitants and allows for a public space. As we parse through, the staircase paves the way towards the office units, community gardens and the second entrance to the skateboard park sub-structure.

Adjacent Entanglements

Rhythmic layout creating intentional in-between spaces

The development is proposed for the city of Chicago, Illinois that has transition plans towards clean energy sources. The project hosts processing units, office spaces and community garden spaces. Further it invites the community to use the facility as a skateboard park. This feature immensely helped inform the playful form of the structure.
The structure features a rhythm of courtyard spaces that weave together to make this one playful space and one fit for communing. As the forms allowed for rhythmic and interwoven courtyard spaces, I was able to sculpt spaces for allotment gardens, allowing the occupants respite. 

Interlacing the public and the private spaces by employing a skateboard park that engages with the form of the building

Rhythmic layout creating intentional in-between spaces

Interactive Model
Construction Documentation

Typical Sectional detail showcasing the different layers of the structure

Sectional Details - Architectural Composition and Foundation Details

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